Fely Productions is an independent record label and publishing company that specializes in the production and promotion of world music.

The Fely Tchaco long awaited music video YITA from her newly released album also called "YITA" is finally here, and is premiering live worldwide on May 1st. Click on this link to watch the video along with Fely Tchaco https://youtu.be/9VZLqn-G9Vc.
To buy the album or the song visit https://felytchaco.bandcamp.com/album/yita

FELY TCHACO (Cote d'Ivoire)
Fely Tchaco is a music sensation from Cote d'Ivoire who lives in the United States. Her music style is a fusion of Ivorian forest music with a twist of modersn pop and latin. She calls it Tribal Pop. To learn more visit her website FELYMUSIC.COM
A yet to be discovered young singer songwriter Romy is a unique talent who spents all day and evening writing to most mesmerizing lyrics that will hunt you forever.
Romy is a French American born in Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and based in San Francisco, CA.
Our talent connection is a referral service that directs the talent to the right person according to what they want to accomplish. We serve as a liaison between the agent, producer and talent. This can happen during out events, via our subscription or other.